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21.07.2011 The Government of Germany supported the”Flowers-2011” exhibition at VVC

The largest nurseries,  plantbreeding companies and agrofirms  ( 26) will  represent Germany at the 18th International professional “ FLOWERS-2011”exhibition held at VVC.  The German producers received the official support of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumers’ Protection of Germany.


The area of the collective national display is close to 300 sq.m.  this  year. Germany is presently one of the leading suppliers to Russia of flowers and green plants. Among the German participants there are the known nurseries like

 “ Lorberg ”, “ Kohouts Baumschulen und Gartencenter”, “ E.A.Stokmann”, “Lehmann Baumschulen”,  plantbreeding company “Ernst Benary”,  companies “Wolfschmidt Samen und Jungpflanzen GbR” “ Mayer” “ Otte-Metallbau” “Labude Tillandsien”, Piccoplant GmbH” and others.


The new varieties of the ornamental and flower plants, annuals and fast growing perennials, dodendrorons, azaleas and bamboo, tropical plants as well as the varieties of the ornamental coniferous trees, dwarf forms, evergreen and deciduous plants and shrubs will be displayed to the visitors.


A part of  the German display will be dedicated to the equipment for the industrial hothouses as well as to the technology and equipment for the flowers production and flowers sale preparation.


Looking forward to seeing you at the International “Flowers-2011” exhibition held at VVC from August 31 to September 03.

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