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Educational seminar
“Agrotechnical Peculiarities of Flower Planting Stock Production. Assortment. Novelties. Methods of Flower  Design of City Territories and Facilities”
21-23 May, 2008 
Pavilion No. 26 of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VVC)

We are glad to invite you to take part in the educational seminar “Agrotechnical Peculiarities of Flower Planting Stock Production. Assortment. Novelties. Methods of Flower  Design of City Territories and Facilities”, 21-23 May, 2008,  which will take place in Pavilion No. 26 of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VVC) in the frameworks of the 5th Specialized Exhibition “Moscow Green Week”.

The seminar program includes lectures of local and international specialists in selection of annual plants, seedlings production, as well as studies of the best practices of seedlings growing in Moscow and Moscow region farms.

The seminar is targeted at studying of contemporary assortment of annual, biannual and perennial plants, peculiarities and capabilities of new varieties, up-to-date flower planting stock production technology both in Russia and abroad as well as using of flower seedlings for city landscaping.

The seminar is one more event in a series of events devoted to studying of technology for growing flower planting stock organized for specialists directly involved in production of seedlings and planting stock.

Seminar program 

Application for participation

The next event of the said program is dedicated to studies of international practices of flower seedlings production, to studies of novelties of offered trends of pot and bedding plants.

«Flower Trials of pot plants and bedding plants. The Netherlands Innovations», 11-13 June, 2008, Holland.

A group of specialists is being formed for a trip to Holland, 10-14 June, 2008.

We shall be happy to see you among participants of all mentioned  events.


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