Cooperation of Efficient Technologies
wholesale trade, retail trade, services, production |
Stand: Открытая экспозиция ландшафтных садов / Landscape Design Exhibition
We are presenting "Vostok EM-1" biological preparation developed on the basis of the author’s technology of Terou Hing, Japanese scientist, based on the function of Efficient Microorganisms (EМ™). EM technology is used for regeneration of soil fertility and the processes of self regulation in the
Cover Roses Nursery
services, production |
Stand: I C 515
Today we are introducing our own Nursery of Cover Roses located in Moscow region.Alexander Ukolov, President of the Russian Association of Rose Professionals and Amateurs, WFRS Jury member, member of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), Director General of "Bonum Factum Vitae" Landscape Company, is its Manager.Company profile: production of rose planting stock with enlarged root system
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production |
Stand: II M 181
More than 7500 varieties of outdoor plants!!!3 leading nurseries from the biggest nursery area in Belgium.4 generations of experience. 120 ha of production of high quality outdoor nursery stock.50 years experience with export to cold climate countries young plants and landscaping plants.500 varieties of conifers; 800 rose varieties; 900 varieties of trees and shrubs; 3800 varieties of perennials;
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Cvetogor, LLC
wholesale trade, services |
Stand: II P 544
"Cvetogor" is a wholesaler of flower ceramics (planters, flower pots, vases, fireclay products), floral glassware (vases, cylinders, aquariums, candlesticks, goblets), plastic flower pots, wicker baskets, flower stands, hand painted color vases, artificial flowers, tiles for lining fireplaces and stoves.We are direct suppliers of floral ceramics and glassware from the leading
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Cvetok, Domashnie Cvety, Magazines
/Publishing House "Toloka" Ltd/
Stand: II L 126
"Cvetok" – all about your favorite room and garden flowers.Tips on the choice, care and treatment of flowers – precious experience of professional and amateur flower growers. Consultations of professional designers. Periodicity: 2 times a month, format: A4, 32 pages, full color printing. Circulation: 355000 copies."Domashnie Cvety" – all secretes about caring
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