Addresses and Telephones
Tenishevoy St. 4a, 214000
+7 (4812) 64-75-47 (tel/fax)
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"Cvetok" – all about your favorite room and garden flowers. Tips on the choice, care and treatment of flowers – precious experience of professional and amateur flower growers. Consultations of professional designers. Periodicity: 2 times a month, format: A4, 32 pages, full color printing. Circulation: 355000 copies. "Domashnie Cvety" – all secretes about caring for room flowers, acquaintance with rare plants. Periodicity: once a month, format: A4, 32 pages, full color printing. Circulation: 260000 copies. "Shkola Tsvetovoda" – tips from specialists, zest of floriculturists’ experience, answers to questions regarding garden plants growing. Periodicity: 4 times a year, format: A5, 68 pages. Circulation: 215000 copies. "Komnatnyi Tsvetnik" – a magazine of helpful tips about caring for room plants. Periodicity: 2 times a year, format: A4, 68 pages. Circulation: 210000 copies.