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"Flowers - 2010"

EXPOFLORES - Ecuadorian Association of Flower Growers and Expoters / Trebol Roses

Location: Ecuador
Activity: production

Addresses and Telephones
Plaza del Otorongo Av. 3 Noviembre y Coronel Talbot 6-23, Cuenca
+(593 7) 284 5440
+(593 7) 284 4627 (tel/fax)


TREBOL ROSES is a company established 14 years ago dedicated to produce and sell the best natural, fresh-cut roses all over the world. Its location is 40 kilometers north of CUENCA - Ecuador.
We guarantee our clients the freshness in our product through strict quality control processes that allow us to work on the best quality in our roses, always thinking in the maintenance of a healthy environment.

Our main markets are: Russia, Siberia, Ukraine, Japan, England, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, United States, Canada, and Chile.
Now a day, TREBOL ROSES farm employs around of 150 people and places customer’s service in the first position, since they are the fundamental column for the company.

We will be glad to send you a sample box with the varieties and lengths you prefer.

Please contact us to the following emails, messengers, and telephone numbers:


Rosana Malo, Sales Manager
phone: (593-7)2836465 / 2845440, mobile: (593-9)869-8661
fax: (593-7)2844627
skype: rosanamalo


Juana Cabrera, Sales Executive
mobile: (593-9)869-8662
skype: juanac8325


Anita Cruz, Sales  Executive

mobile: (593 9) 8698663


skipe: anitac1981

Stand: I D 450
Show stand on the map

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