Addresses and Telephones
Heinrich-Nicolaus-Str. 15, 87480 Weitnau
+49-8375-9200-0, в РФ +7 (495) 785-7121
+49-8375-9200-22, в РФ +7 (495) 785-7125 (tel/fax)
Company IGEBA - the leading manufacturer of the aerosol equipment. During 28 years IGEBA has been producing thermo-mechanical and ultra low capacity generators which are widely used in floriculture, greenhouse complexes, agriculture, food-processing industry, medicine and in many other spheres where high-quality disinfection and treatment is required. Long-term experience of IGEBA and constant improvement of equipment guarantee the desired results. The representative of company IGEBA in the Russian Federation is company RABOS Intl.