"Flowers - 2010"
Nash Sad, Agrofirm
Location: Russia, Moscow
Activity: wholesale trade
Addresses and Telephones
Post box 76, 127473
+7 (495) 988-8758, 363-1743
+7 (495) 988-8758, 363-1743 (tel/fax)
URL: http://www.nashsad.ru
E-Mail: nashsad@mail.ru
Wholesale trade of vegetable and flower seeds in color and white firm packages. - Choice seeds of the best varieties and hybrids of local and foreign selection
- Planting stock: clematis, lilac, gladioli
- Lawn grass seeds
- Seed onion
- Green manure crops improving soils
- Small packages of plant protection means for small individual farms
- Production of white packets
Favorable prices. Flexible system of discounts.
Stand: II M 143
Show stand on the map
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