"Flowers - 2010"
Location: Russia, Moscow
Activity: wholesale trade, retail trade, services
Addresses and Telephones
MKAD 14 km, 2/3, market "Sadovod", Garen Center, 109429
+7 (495) 940-8764, 972-0544
+7 (495) 940-8764 (tel/fax)
URL: http://www.columneya.ru
E-Mail: columneatn@mail.ru/columnea.em@gmail.com
- Direct delivery of pot plants and outdoor plants from Holland
- Cut flowers
- Bouquets
- Wholesale and retail trade of seeds and flower bulbs
- Home and foreign made ceramics
- Design of homes and offices
- Landscaping.
Stand: I C 414
Show stand on the map
Exhibition Photos:
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