"Flowers - 2010"
Poisk Agrofirm, Ltd
Location: Russia, Moscow region
Activity: wholesale trade, production
Addresses and Telephones
Vereya, bldg 500, Ramenskiy district, Moscow region, 140153
+7 (495) 660-93-72/ 73, 992-56-51/ 52/ 53
+7 (495) 992-56-57 (tel/fax)
URL: http://www.semenasad.ru
E-Mail: info@poiskseeds.ru
- Vegetable and flower seeds for professionals and amateurs
- High quality lawn grasses
- Bulbous and perennial plants
- Seedlings of pine strawberry
- Seedlings of vegetables and flowers of our own production
- Pot plants
- Plants in decorative packages (roses, peonies, clematis, fruit and ornamental plants)
- Planting stock in containers (coniferous, deciduous and fruit planting stock)
- Garden implements
- Seed potato, onion set, garlic
Stand: I D 222
Show stand on the map
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