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"Flowers - 2010"

Kraess GlasCon

Location: Russia, Moscow

Addresses and Telephones
Proesd Serebryakova 14, building 15, office 18, 129343
+7 (495) 665-6065
+7 (495) 665-6065 (tel/fax)


Worldwide you can find Garden Centers and Greenhouses build by Kraess. We are a German enterprise with more than 100 years of company tradition and a lot of international experiences. Quality, competence and reliability are central values of our company philosophy.
As a specialist for professional Garden Centers and Greenhouses, today we are a leading and highly regarded company in Europe. We do have headquarters in Germany and Russia plus representations in Ukraine and Czech Republic. Our business activities range from concepting, projecting, manufacturing and installing Garden Centers and Greenhouses including the whole maintenance and service afterwards.

Stand: I E 221
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