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"Flowers - 2010"

Khudozhestvennye promysly, JSC

Location: Russia, Likhoslavl
Activity: wholesale trade, production

Addresses and Telephones
Lihoslavlskaya St., 4a, 171210
+7 (48261) 3-59-52, 3-51-67
+7 (48261) 3-59-52 (tel/fax)


"Ceramics from Likhoslavl" is a traditional center of folk crafts in Tver region maintaining and developing traditions of the ancient Tver crafts. Our product range is wide and diverse as in old times. It includes over 400 product groups: vases, flower pots, fireclay pots, interior decor and traditional toys. At preset the plant is successfully cooperating with local trade outlets and customers from other regions and CIS countries. There is a flexible system of discounts. Joint development of projects is possible.

Stand: II Q 375
Show stand on the map

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