Group of companies "Business Bouquet" is one of the biggest wholesale and retail chains with blameless service, we offer our customers goods for garden and summerhouse, floristic work and arrangements, we give you flexible discount system, efficient delivery to any place in Russia and possibility to make on-line order on Trade Portal .
We call your attention to exclusive novelties: bright and high-quality ceramics from Germany (Soendgen Keramik), soft toy Bukowski (Sweden) and our New Year’s catalogue 2011: New Year decorations and trees, tinsel, balls, shopwindow's decorations and corporative presents. Wholesale and retail! All products are certified. Excellence and reasonable prices are guaranteed!
Do you want to build up bright and profitable business with Group of companies "Business-Bouquet"? Minimum investments and quick return! Our branches in Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Perm, Nizhni Novgorod have already worked using “Business-Bouquet” franchise system! Find details on our stand B 411 and telephone number (495)980-98-98 ext. 1501.