For 165 years, Benary’s breeding activities have developed some of the leading annuals, perennials, potted flowering plants and cut flowers. Known worldwide as a leader in Begonias, Benary has brought well-known varieties such as ‘Cocktail’, ‘Super Olympia®’, ‘Sprint’, and Nightlife to the market, as well as the new hybrid begonia landscape series; ‘BIG’.
Benary’s assortment of over 2,000 varieties includes some of the industry’s most sought after varieties in tuberous Begonias (‘Nonstop®’, ‘Nonstop® Mocca’), Rudbeckia (‘Corona’, ‘Maya’, ‘Prairie Sun’), Ptilotus (‘Joey’®), Pentas (‘Kaleidoscope’), Viola wittrockiana (‘Fancy’, ‘Cats’®), Polyanthus (‘Crescendo’®) and many more. Our long history as a family owned business has allowed us to live our passion for breeding and focus on the time honored traditions of beauty this industry has given.