Magana Flowers Kenya Limited Location: Kenya Activity: production
Addresses and Telephones
P. O. Box 14618 – 00800, Nairobi
+254 020 2017651/2/3
+254 020 2017650 (tel/fax)
URL: E-Mail:
Since 1994, Magana Flowers has been producing high quality roses for export to all over the world. Magana flowers is located 22km from the City of Nairobi, Kenya at 1950 meters above sea level in a cool climate suitable for production of premium roses. With modern growing technology and expertise coupled with years of experience, Magana flowers is a dynamic company capable of meeting all customer requirements to satisfaction. Our motto of quality, commitment and communication illustrate this and is the pillar of our success. Please visit our website for more information about Magana flowers. Quality roses from Kenya