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"Flowers - 2010"

EXPOFLORES - Ecuadorian Association of Flower Growers and Exporters/ Floreloy S.A.

Location: Ecuador
Activity: production

Addresses and Telephones
Panamericana Norte Km 3 1/2 Sector Guachala, Cayambe
+(593) 2 2792 188
+(593) 2 2127 133 (tel/fax)


Floreloy S.A. is a roses farm, established in 1997, at North of Ecuador. Its location on the Equatorial line, beneath the Cayambe Volcano, offers exceptional year-round light conditions, temperatures, spring water and rich fertile soil. FloreloyS.A. is the result of our deep passion for roses; our mission is to grow roses of unmatched quality, exceptional head size, with petals and foliage of singular beauty. Roses that will stand out for the uniqueness anywhere roses are admired. We invite you to enjoy to be part of our exclusive customers.


Stand: I D 450
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