URL: http://www.chekhovgarden.ru E-Mail: selling.cg@mail.ru/faldins@gmail.com
LLC Chekhov Roses is a modern greenhouse complex on propagation rose plant material located 200 km away from Moscow, Tula region. The company is established by Russian and Dutch shareholders where the Russian one is LLC Chekhov Garden (www.chekhovgarden.ru). Dutch establisher, Bartels Roses B.V., is a famous breeding company. Since 1934 the Group of companies Bartels is known with introduction of many prosperous varieties in the market. All the partners of the Chekhov Roses are confident in successful outlook of the Russian flower market. Flower business in Russia is rapidly developing and requires quality rose varieties. Knowledge in growing roses is deficient and variety choice limits are caused by flower production import. The showroom of the Chekhov Roses enables growers to find out more about the performance of one or another variety under local conditions. The producers will have a possibility to get the information on production, market response on varieties, advice on growing. When the choice is made the Chekhov Roses is able to produce a required amount of the young plants. It means that one has a possibility to purchase high quality plant material produced locally but in accordance with Dutch quality standards. Such kind of approach allows to reduce import costs. The assistance of the Dutch specialists in growing process guarantees optimal result to the Russian producers.