Addresses and Telephones
Нидерланды / The Netherlands
+31 38 3760151, для контактов на русском языке: +31 6 10944544
+31 38-3760147 (tel/fax)
Heideveld bv links production companies and outlet markets for nursery stock products in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Heideveld bv can offer a complete range of plants, as trees, shrubs, conifers, perennials, from young plants till solitairs.
Our business was established in 1999. Prior to this we had years of experience in the export of nursery stock products. We are therefore very confident we know the market - the supply side as well as the demand side - inside and out. Thanks to this extensive knowledge of the market we can safely say that Heideveld can indeed ‘see the wood for the trees’.
Heideveld bv Bemiddeling boomkwekerijprodukten started out as an intermediary but has since developed into much more. Our company's role in the export sector is becoming more and more important, suppliers transport their products to six locations situated in different parts of the Netherlands. Heideveld collects all shipments and arranges transportation to the buyer abroad.
Heideveld BV can supply a complete assortment in Garden-plants as: