Flowerport Logistics BV Location: The Netherlands Activity: services
Addresses and Telephones
Post bus 364, 1430 AJ Aalsmeer
+31 297 349 360
+31 297 349 560 (tel/fax)
URL: http://www.flowerportlogistics.nl E-Mail: jsytay@flowerportlogistics.nl
Flowerport Logistics B.V. is a handeling agent and transport for products from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Being the only organization with a bounded warehouse inside the Flora Action Flowerport Logistics has a unique service that makes it able to clear products on her own terrain. Together with the possibility to offload airplane plates ay our warehouse, placed in a controlled and cool environment. Providing pre-cooling service and marking required documents for a transit shipment. There is a clearing of produce at Flowerport Logistics is a 24 hours and 7 days per week.