"Flowers - 2010"
Agroimpuls Ltd
Location: Russia, Moscow
Activity: wholesale trade
Addresses and Telephones
Dorogobuzhskaya St. 14, bldg 1, 121534
+7 (495) 229-4903
+7 (495) 229-4903 (tel/fax)
URL: http://www.agroimpulse.ru
E-Mail: info@agroimpulse.ru
The company provides greenhouse complexes with: - Plant protection means
- Biopreparations: AgrovermiculateBIO , Vitaplan, Planriz, Gliokladin, Gamair, etc.
- Mineral wool substrate VolgaRost (Russia)
- Coco nut substrate (Dumona, France)
- Entomophages (Russia/Belgium)
Besides our clients receive full agronomic support for all products bought at Agroimpuls Ltd.
Stand: II Q 511
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