Addresses and Telephones
Av. Los Shyris y Suecia, Argentum building, office 604, 777777, Quito
+(593) 999 48531, +(593) 84527971, +(593) 3332635/ 3802871/ 3802862
+(593) 3332635 (tel/fax)
URL: E-Mail:
Impex Group is a trading company providing fresh flowers, fruits, coffee, seafood and other products to different parts of the world. We have well-established commercial relationships with more than 120 flower growers from Ecuador, Colombia and Costa Rica, which helps us to adapt flexibly to the needs of our customers and to offer the best service for competitive prices. Apart from that, we offer effective logistical routes in order to get the product to the destination convenient for you. Through our experience on the flower market our company has gained excellent reputation both in terms of high quality and service provided to our clients.