Center for Conservation of Genetic Resources Location: Russia, Moscow Activity:
Addresses and Telephones
Botanicheskaya St. 4, Office 87, 127276
Studies of genetic diversity in collections of ornamental plants conserved in botanical gardens on the basis of usage of molecular genetic markers, varieties certification, development of optimum conservation methods for ex situ collections, creation of core collections, clarification of taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships of species within ornamental cultures.
Genetic diversity in collections of ornamental plants was evaluated using molecular genetic markers. Solutions have been found on questionable issues in taxonomy, phylogenetic relationship as well as in processes of evolution and speciation of species within genera Syringa andClematis.
There were formed core collections of representatives of Rosaceae, Oleaceae, Ranunculaceae families, preserving maximum genetic diversity, evaluated with molecular genetic markers. Studies of genetic authenticity of the conserved samples have been carried out.
There were developed efficient methods of micro propagation and methodological basis for preservation of genofunds of ornamental cultures ex situ.