Lilia Flowers Company Ltd Location: Russia, Sarapul Activity: wholesale trade, production
Addresses and Telephones
Gorkogo St. 77, 427960
+7 (34147) 2-18-03
+7 (34147) 2-18-03 (tel/fax)
URL: E-Mail:
OOO "Flower Company "Lilia" produces indoor flowers and flower seedlings for landscaping. The company’s core business is growing of cut bulbous cultures: lilies, tulips, irises. It also produces callas, crocuses and hyacinths. One fourth of the company area is used for rose production (over 30 varieties). The assortment of flower seedlings includes over 50 species groups, petunia, tagetes, ageratum, cineraria, begonia and salvia being the main ones. Pot plants are chrysanthemums, begonia, eliator, poinsettia and others.