URL: http://www.vandeputtenv.be E-Mail: info@vandeputtenv.be
Vandeputte NV is a Belgian nursery specializing in production of conifers and shrubs in pots. For many years it has been a leader in the world of green providing the best possible service to customers, an extensive range of outstanding quality plus professional advice. Each year, approximately 5,500,000 shrubs and conifers of 750 varieties are grown in 8-9 cm pots. The plants are grown mainly from cuttings; a small proportion is produced from seeds and grafts. The products of Vandeputte NV are healthy and strong. 95% of production is exported to countries in Europe and beyond. You are welcome to visit the nursery at any convenient for you time, to make certain of the high quality of our plants. You can view the product list for this season at this website. Call it a little sample of their endless range.