"Flowers - 2010"
Wolfschmidt Samen & Jungpflanzen GbR
Location: Germany
Activity: production
Addresses and Telephones
Schleswiger Str. 115, D-90427 Nurnberg
+ 49 911 / 34 16 34
+ 49 911 / 34 13 44 (tel/fax)
E-Mail: info@wolfschmidt-jungpflanzen.de
Ideal initial material for growing of pot and ampelous plants. Professional seeds of the best selection: cyclamen, gerbera, gloxinia, petunia, begonia, tagetes, strawberry, primrose, viola. Seedlings in cassettes: ever-flowering begonia, petunia, primrose, cyclamen. Rooted cuttings for vertical landscaping: pelargonia, surfiniya, kalibrahoa, morning glory, host plant, geyhera, mandevilla. Rooted cuttings for potted products: royal pelargonium, pelargonium Aristo, cyclamen, begonia (XXL), ivy, hydrangea, chrysanthemum, carnation, gerbera, hibiscus, anthurium, begonia rex.
Stand: I D 141
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