"Enigma Flowers" - is an international trading company that successfully works in the field of cut flowers, pot plants, outdoor plants and bulbs for 14 years.
Because we have representative offices spread all over the world, in the Netherlands, Israel, Ecuador, Columbia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Ukraine, we are able to provide our clients with flowers all year round Rich variety of production delivered by us has made our company the leader on the market of the CIS and Europe countries.
For our customers we have developed a web-shop that gives you the ability to personally participate in the buying process of the Dutch auctions and to coordinate the work of flower farms in Israel, Columbia, Ecuador and Kenya from any location in the world. Our on-line system gives you an opportunity to follow the buying process all the way from initial purchase to the moment flowers are loaded onto trucks.
The most important criteria of our company are:
- Quality of production, efficiency in work and an individual approach to the customers. - Combination of these factors makes our company your reliable partner in business.
By co-operating, with Group of companies Enigma Flowers you can be always assured of high quality up to the world standard service.