URL: http://www.rassada.ru E-Mail: rassada.ru@mail.ru
"Rassada.ru" Ltd ("Gatchina nursery", S-Petersburg, Russia) as a partner of "Schneider bv" (Holland) can offer all range of young plants produced by that firm to Russian growers: annuals; bi-annuals; perennials from seeds and cuttings, professional seeds. Young plants are being offered in trays with the following plugs’ numbers: 405; 264; 112; 105. Orders should be placed in September-November; deliveries are performed from January till May. Seedlings and cuttings of perennial plants are delivered from April till September. We also deliver viola and primrose in summer and autumn (for early spring florescence). "Rassada.ru” can deliver as well to Russian customers a wide assortment of open ground roots of perennials (delivered in early spring).