AGROHOLDING "MOSKOWSKIJ" Location: Russia Activity: wholesale trade, retail trade, production
Addresses and Telephones
Town of Moskovskiy, micro-district 1, 52, Moskovskiy Administration, 8 km from MKAD along Kievskoe shosse, Moscow region, 142784
+7 (495) 439-8620
+7 (495) 439-8274 (tel/fax)
URL: AGROHOLDING "MOSKOWSKIJ" includes "Agro in Vitro" LLC, "Moskowskie Tsvety" LLC, "Agrocombinat "Moskowskij" JSC, "NPK "Rassadny Service" LLC, "TD "Moscowskij" LLC. Production of Agroholding "Moskowskij" is located near Moscow on an area of 129 ha. We grow and sell wholesale and retail pot plants, ornamental deciduous plants, ampelous flowers, flower and vegetable seedlings, greens and lettuce in pots, vegetables. We also offer for growing "phase 4" seedlings of annual and perennial flowers and rooted cuttings of ornamental flowering plants. Our major principles are: quality and service. Our flowers are strong and healthy. They have well developed root system and high viability. Our own fleet of motor vehicles permits to ensure prompt delivery of products.