"Flowers - 2010"
Kebol B.V.
Location: The Netherlands
Activity: production
Addresses and Telephones
Delfweg 37, 2211 VK Noordwijkerhout
+31 252 524100
+31 252 524124 (tel/fax)
URL: http://www.kebol.nl
E-Mail: info@kebol.nl/timmo@kebol.nl
Kebol B.V. - finest quality bulbs Your reliable partner in - Dry sales: Bulb packages suitable for retail sales and mail order
- Forcing: supplying flower bulbs suitable for cut flower production
- Tropical amaryllis: growing and packaging amaryllis bulbs suitable for retail sales and mail order
- Brasbonitas® amaryllis: growing and supplying bulbs suitable for pot-production
- Brasbonitas® gladioli: growing and supplying tubers suitable for cut flower production
Reliable in the sense of quality, delivery, logics, cultivation support, product innovation and service Our vision: your success is also our success.
Stand: I B 302
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