URL: http://www.allaert-nurseries.be E-Mail: allaert@skynet.be
ALLAERT NURSERIES is a leading Belgian grower of hardy nursery stock with specialization in bare root production of 1-year seedling, 2 and 3-year old transplants of FORESTRY, HEDGING PLANTS, LANDSCAPING VARIETIES, FLOWERING SHRUBS AND CONIFERS. ALLAERT NURSERIES is situated near to the Belgian cost and all seedlings and transplants are grown in light sandy soils, which results in excellent fibrous root systems. SPECIALIST IN HEDGING, Fagu, Ligustrum, Taxus, Buxus, Carpinus, Cratraegus, Rosa, Cotoneaster, Prunus, Berberis, … and FLOWERING SHRUBS, Spirea and Potentilla varieties, Buddleja, Cornus, Hyfrangea, Magnolia, Photinia, Symphoricarpus, Syringa, Viburnum, Weigela, … and Conifers.