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"Flowers - 2010"

Capital-PROK, QSC

Location: Russia, Balashikha, Moscow region
Activity: wholesale trade, production

Addresses and Telephones
Zvezdnaya St. 7, bldg. 1, 143900
+7 (495) 745-6787, 745-6797 (многоканальные), Тел. бесплатной линии 8-800-200-3-888
(095) 745-6537 (tel/fax)


"Capital-PROK" production and trading association, develops, produces and realizes over 3 385 product groups of their own production: fertilizers, insecticides, raticides, fungicides, disinfectants, etc.

The company’s assortment includes a wide range of products for flower and plant growing.

Quality of the raw material and the final products is rigorously controlled by the company’s own research center and in laboratories of the leading country institutions.

Adopting innovative technologies we constantly improve production of liquid and granulated organic and mineral fertilizers, water soluble dressings and growth stimulators.

Stand: II K 244
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