"Flowers - 2010"
Antey-Agro Ltd
Location: Russia, St. Petersburg
Activity: wholesale trade, retail trade, production
Addresses and Telephones
Post box 23, Ivanovskaya St. 19, 192171
+7 (812) 568-0242, 568-0247
+7 (812) 568-0253 (tel/fax)
URL: http://www.antey-agro.ru
E-Mail: office@td-antey.spb.ru
- Production and wholesale selling of peat soils for growing seedlings of flowers and vegetables
- Wholesale selling of mineral fertilizers and grounds
- Over 1000 names of goods for gardeners and home
- Deliveries of coconut substrate to Russia
- Production of utility and ornamental candles
Stand: II Q 155
Show stand on the map
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